A great day out. Richard and I decided to fish the flats and some deep water on Saturday. The tide was good to go out first and then fish the in coming tide in the afternoon. We did discovery very early that my camera was not working but Richard took a couple of shots with his phone camera. We tried the flats first but not much happening so out we went. We arrived at our destination as the tide started to go out so we needed to find a spot pretty quick. We had a couple of other boats on the area we like to fish, so we sounded around the outside of the group and found a nice spot that looked good on the sounder. After setting the anchor twice (a long way to the bottom) we started dredging. And then it happened. As we started retrieving we started hooking up, I am not sure what the other boats were up to but between us we managed 9 legal school mackeral, 8 or so trevelly, a nice fingermark (well done Richard), and a small nannagai. It was a good morning. We then moved onto the flats and started looking for the fish. After awhile we found a nice spot and Richard landed a very good legal stripy. We then started scanning and saw the target fish a small school of golden trevelly! After some stalking and a cast we landed a good size GT not the targeted species but a nice fish in the shallows, after the fight the fish had disappeared. So after a good day we returned to the ramp. Well done Richard 2 more fish for his top ten!