Longtail Tuna Study
ANSA has for some time now been actively involved with Dr Shane Griffiths and a consortium of recreational refishing groups and scientists led by the CSIRO to gather data on longtail tuna. ANSA National and both Queensland and NSW Branches as co-investigators, have contributed $2200 collectively to support the data collection project.
Members would be aware that longtail tuna are a unique species classified by the Commonwealth government as “recreational only”. Regrettably, very little is known about the actual capture of this tuna species by recreational fishers.
The project is testing two cost-effective survey methods for collecting data in longer-term surveys on recreationally important species such as longtail tuna; online reporting and surveys of tackle store customers. Shane has set up a website www.longtailtuna.com.au, which facilitates anonymous reporting of data concerning longtail tuna captures and related fishing effort. Registered users submitting catch data on the website will enter a monthly draw for longtail tuna Tshirts.
The tackle store survey component in the project is a big job for such a small research team and the project is fast approaching an end, but the research team is keen to get as much additional data before that time. Therefore, ANSA is looking for volunteers around the country to assist the project by undertaking at least one 3-hour interview in any major tackle shop in your local area. Basically, someone just needs to stand in front of the store (with the store owner’s permission) for 3 hours and interview customers as they exit. Each interview takes about 90 seconds to reduce the burden on busy customers.
If you are interested in undertaking such an important volunteer role then please get in touch with Shane on (07) 3826 7364 or email at shane.griffiths@csiro.au. Shane will arrange for you to be provided with copies of the survey questionnaire, instructions for completion, and a free limited edition longtail tuna t-shirt as featured on the website.
This is a commendable project that has ANSA backing and all members are encouraged to participate in the collection of catch and effort data. If you can afford the time to go the extra yard and volunteer to do the tackle shop survey this will be very much appreciated.
Please circulate amongst your ANSA and fishing colleagues
John Burgess
Executive Officer ANSA