Its nice to be back on the Blue on Fly
The North Queensland Flyfishers had our last trip for the year on the wide blue sea. We had planned a trip to the rivers but the weather came good and all four fishers Richard, Jeff, David and myself thought we might try for some tuna. We headed out to the west point area and found some small baitfish, this looked promising but there appeared to be no predators. So off we went out towards R
attlesnake Island. On the way we found some small schools of mac tuna working the bait. After 4 hrs of working and four tuna landed we were happy but a little frustrated with the schools. In many ways this is what tuna can be like! Richard finished the day with 2 tuna and Jeff and myself one each, David did not go home empty handed he landed a nice queenfish as we drifted Cockle Bay to finish. A good day and finished with a nice coffee at our regular
meeting place!