Townsville Boat Ramps - Crystal Creek
Crystal creek is a small creek about a 30min drive North of Townsville. Its one of a handfull of small creeks that empty into ocean between Ingham and Townsville. Fishing in Crystal is often described at 'hot and cold'. The creek is fairly narrow and shallow, suitable only to smaller tinnies. And its just as well, as the boat ramp here is more of a 'mud slide' than an actual ramp. Nevertheless, its used quite frequently by the locals.

The mouth of the creek closes off at low tide, or at least it use to, so the water will only fall so far and then the run will stop. But this may have changed after the last wet? Like any mud ramp the more water on the ramp the better. There are some logs across the ramp to help stabalise the ground and provide traction.