Spanish Fly
The weather looked good so Liam and I went for a run to the shoals. I left a message for Malcolm but as there was no reply I figured he was either away or fishing. We decided to head to the shoals area though in the back of my mind I was ready to go to Cape Cleveland if the weather did not improve. As it turned out the weather held and we met Malcolm and
his Dad at the shoals. After a brief greating we set to drifting the mark. Liam went with a metal and while I was rigging up he managed a nice trevally. Same thing second drift. At this point I was getting hits and losing some gear! Ok out come the flies with wire. I tried a 15kg knotable and this last one strike! Next I thought perhaps a ganged fly would do the job, nope one hit and gone! Ok frustrated I found in Liams box a commercial wire trace, I rigged this to a 15kg knotable and then onto the fly line. Again a cast and final success! A nice 5kg spanish mackerel. While this was going on Liam bagged his limit and landed a vey nice Gt. Liam thought this fly stuff looked easy. So out came his 9wt and straight away he hooked and landed a nice trevally. Simple enough he had another go and this time hooked and dropped a trevally and then on the return of the fly to the boat a mackerel hit the fly and he lost it. Still not bad after a couple of casts! So all in all a great morning.