Baptist Church Fishing Club - Comp Results February 2009
The fishing year is off to a great start with plenty of members turning out for our first weigh-in and BBQ for 2009. Unfortunately due to the large amount of fresh water around and the unstable weather, the number of fish weighed did not reflect the effort put in. A total of 3 anglers weighed 5 fish for a total weight of 10.13kg and 219.5 points, with an additional 17 fish being released. The most unusual catch for the weekend was a box of fish fingers weighed by Glen McCormack!

Division Winners:
Senior Male Ian Ferguson 123 points
Lure/Fly Ian Ferguson 123 points
Catch & Release Tony Turner
Hard Yakka Dion Forman 40 points
Encouragement Herschel Wilson
Individual Results:
Senior Male – Line Fishing

Ian Ferguson 123 points
Queenfish 4.1kg 61.5pnts
Queenfish 4.1kg 61.5pnts
Malcolm Brown 82.5 points
Tarpon 0.86kg 43.0pnts
Tarpon 0.79kg 39.5pnts
Ward Nicholas 14 points
Tarpon 0.28kg 14.0pnts