Thought I would go for a bit of a fish after lunch today. High tide at 3pm looked pretty good for a walk along Shelly Beach. The wind had a fair bit of south in it, so I thought I would be right. Called into ProTackle on the way (and met a couple of FishingTownsville.net readers). Jason, who knows Shelly Beach very well, suggested it would still be very choppy and dirty there in the bay. I should have listened to his wisdom! It would have saved me a long walk for nothing. Lucky I need the exercise. I didn't even put in a cast. Just started looking for somewhere else to wet a line.
Ended up deciding to walk to the end of the Breakwall behind the Casino. Yeah, more walking. But a couple of casts with a 70mm flick bait soon had me hooked up to a good fish. Turned out to be a nice Flathead of 48cm. I wasn't looking to take fish home, so I stuck him with a tag and off he went. I'm sure this area could do with a few quality fish out there breeding!

A few casts later and I nailed a small Queenfish. Probably only 8in long! But it was something to keep me entertained. These fish all came from the small sand patch in corner of the Swing Basin.

Next I moved to the other side of the wall and had a cast in the corner of the open water. There was a calm spot there with a bit of bait. Looked like a couple of small GT chopping up every now and then. I landed half a dozen small to medium Mosses Perch and a small Golden Trevalley. Nothing to write home about, but enough to keep be sane!