Fishing reports, tip and news from Townsville and the surrounding area.
Father and Son fishing the Sweet Water
Was sitting at home today in desperate need for a fish. It was windy outside so I made a last minute decision to go for a run South and fish the fresh. Tania wasn't felling to well, so I thought it would be nice to take Lachy and leave her with only 1 to contend with. So I packed the car and when he woke from his daytime sleep we were off.
Lachy was very excited to be off fishing with Dad. And all the way there it was constant chatter and questioning. On arrival at our first lagoon we discovered it was totally weeded in. Obviously that one isn't worth a look again until we get some decent rain. So off to our next location, Tarpon Central.
First hit came on a 70mm Pacific Pearl Flick Bait (yep I went into ProTackle today an got some after reading Deion's report!). These are a great looking plastic, and I highly recommend them. The fish failed to take the hooks. A couple of casts later and it was on. A BIG Tarpon burst clear of the water as it smacked the little flick bait. This fish was easily in the 3-4kg class. It pealed off the 8lb fireline and took me directly into some weed. I could feel the fish attached, but after a couple of pulls to and fro, the fish one its freedom. It was a good hour then before another fish hit and missed. And that was it for the evening.
We left about 6pm and collected dinner for the little guy at the servo on the way home. Lachy had a couple of goes with the rod. His erratic way of winding the reel actually suits the flick bait quite well. But he spent most of his time with a stick in the water trying to catch a Croc! Either that or eating bickies!!