According to Maritime Safety Queensland, if it is a requirement to carry an EPIRB as part of your safety equipment, from 1 November 2008, it must be a 406 MHz digital EPIRB. That means all craft operating beyond smooth and partially smooth waters must carry a 406MHz EPIRB if more than two nautical miles from land. That's probably the majority of FishingTownsville.net readers.
It is also a requirement to register your 406 MHz beacon with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority. The Australian Maritime Safety Authority must also be advised of any change to ownership and vessel details.
The 121.5/243 satellite service will be discontinued in February 2009.
Philip of Rising Sun Marine has informed me that the GME MT400's are out of stock in his store, and likely out of stock all over Townsville. The GME was selling for $425 (great price). However, he has said that he has a VERY limited number of ACR 406 EPIRB's for the fantastic price of $460. However, due to the drop in the Australian Dollar. New stocks are likely to be slightly higher in price. SO GO GET ONE! Oh, and mention you came from FishingTownsville.net.