Where are all the Mackerel?
I went for a fish with the family Sunday afternoon. I didn't want to go too far, so just a run to West Point. Tide was almost dead low on launching at 2pm. Had to use the ramp on the ocean side as the lit ramp was almost out of the water. Weather was fantastic. Bit of a chop on the water from a NW breeze throught the channel, but dead flat by the time we got to WP. Surely the New Moon approaching, a good run of tide and cold weather would have the Doggies backing up of the point just begging to be caught! WRONG again. Mobs of bait hanging over my usual set of marks, as the pic below shows. But hours of ripping metal slices through the bait didn't attract as much as a SINGLE hit! Even a troll around the bait schools didn't entice a fish. I did, however, manage to loose 2 big fish off live bait on the bottom. Both bricked me on 50lb braid locked up hard! I am guessing big Fingermark. Bit of a shame, would have made the $48 in fuel a bit more worth while.