I have just spent the morning fishing one of the northern creeks with the NQ Fly Fishers. It was their Monthly fishing trip. It was actually only Bob, Harvey and myself that could go. I don't fish fly, so I took my little spin rod and some soft plastics.
We left Harveys place at about 8.30am and headed north in Bobs car. When we arrived there looked to still be a little too much water in the creek to walk the bank, so we drove down the front for a look along the beach. But there was too little water there, so back we went!
Second cast and Bob managed to raise the interest of a rather hefty Barramundi. (Estimated at 70cm) Next cast it took a better look, and when Bob dropped the fly back it hit! Unfortunatley the light tippet didn't hold and the fish was gone in a matter of seconds.
My first cast resulted in a snag. So busting off I was quickly trying to retie while listening to Bob trying to hook his Barra. My next cast with a new plastic on resulted in a small GT. Good fun and about all I was expecting to catch.

But a couple cast later and I was hooked onto something a lot better. It never came clear of the water, but close enough to soon learn it was a nice Barra. Fishing only a 1000 size real and 8lb braid was interesting to say the least. But the little fella was soon on the mud bank. 53cm. A tag in the back and a few pics and he was on his way again.

Things went pretty quiet from there. But I did manage another GT and 2 more small Barra (both less than 30cm). Oh, and a small cod for good measure. Bob got a glimses of some more barra, and hooked a little guy than took him straight under the tree. So it wasn't to be for either Fly fisherman.