Seabreeze got it right!
Well earlier in the week Seabreeze was predicting good weather all weekend. But things changed a little by late in the week. With the final prediction of Saturday being a ripper, and blowing up Sunday. Things couldn't have been more spot on. And if you didn't fish Saturday you were a fool, and if you fished Sunday...well I hope you got back ok?
We (Tania, the boys and myself) did a quick pack of the boat Friday after work and hit the water about 6pm. I was hoping to be a little earlier so as to have a fish for some Mackerel off West Point before sunset. But instead we headed straight into 5-beach bay and anchored for the night. The kids thought it was great having dinner and sleeping on the boat.
Next morning it was a quick try for some live bait and then straight out to our mark out the back of Rattlesnake. We were not too lucky on the live bait, only getting a few small baits in the 1/2 hour or so we tried. On arrival out our mark things didn't look to good. Not a lot showing on the sounder. We drifted the mark several times with high speed metal with nothing more than a couple of small Trevalley. I put a live bait down for Tania, and pretty quickly she was hooked up to a nice fish. Turned out to be a good Coral Trout. We kept on for a couple of hours before deciding it just wasn't going to happen. Then it was back to West Point.

Back at West Point we again tried metal on a few marks. This time we were semi-successful, landing 1 good fish and missing several others. But with it getting quite late in the day the bite didn't last long. We had lunch and headed back into 5-beach bay for a swim. I decided to wait around and give my West Point marks another go in the late afternoon.

At about 4pm we left the bay and headed back to have one last try for some Mackerel. It proved to be a good choice. We didn't fish to long, but managed another 4 good doggies before it was time for home. Could have been a lot more, but I missed several hard hits, and we wanted to be back at the ramp before dark.
While I was anticipating a better catch, a good time was had by all.
We (Tania, the boys and myself) did a quick pack of the boat Friday after work and hit the water about 6pm. I was hoping to be a little earlier so as to have a fish for some Mackerel off West Point before sunset. But instead we headed straight into 5-beach bay and anchored for the night. The kids thought it was great having dinner and sleeping on the boat.
Next morning it was a quick try for some live bait and then straight out to our mark out the back of Rattlesnake. We were not too lucky on the live bait, only getting a few small baits in the 1/2 hour or so we tried. On arrival out our mark things didn't look to good. Not a lot showing on the sounder. We drifted the mark several times with high speed metal with nothing more than a couple of small Trevalley. I put a live bait down for Tania, and pretty quickly she was hooked up to a nice fish. Turned out to be a good Coral Trout. We kept on for a couple of hours before deciding it just wasn't going to happen. Then it was back to West Point.

Back at West Point we again tried metal on a few marks. This time we were semi-successful, landing 1 good fish and missing several others. But with it getting quite late in the day the bite didn't last long. We had lunch and headed back into 5-beach bay for a swim. I decided to wait around and give my West Point marks another go in the late afternoon.

At about 4pm we left the bay and headed back to have one last try for some Mackerel. It proved to be a good choice. We didn't fish to long, but managed another 4 good doggies before it was time for home. Could have been a lot more, but I missed several hard hits, and we wanted to be back at the ramp before dark.
While I was anticipating a better catch, a good time was had by all.