Still trying for Flathead
Well what an hour can do. We went for a fish at Alva beach on Sunday and chased some flathead Liam, Malcolm and Ted did nice all brought home fish. The fly fisher not a touch, oh forgot a good size ray had a bit of fun on that one! So look again at the flies and try again Monday with a different tide. We then moved to Pioneer Mill for a look at some rising tarpon but the fish were a little distance away so on to the next location! We tried our small Barra spot. Different story here eveybody caught fish and finally the flyfisher got some as well. I used a size 8 hook with a pink tail and wing, and a black chenielle body with dumbell eyes. This little fly caught small barra to 25cm, giant herring and tarpon all under 30cm but great fun. To finish off the day back to a local spot and 6 tarpon landed in 30minutes great stuff. I will let you know how I got on with the flathead today!