
Its starting to look like this blog site is becoming quite popular. Although the number of comments made against posts does not reflect this at this stage. Statistics for the site however, show since beginning on 19th March 2008, there have been 401 visitors to the site and 742 page views. Average time spent on the site is 2min 15sec. Visitors have been coming from 7 different countries around the world, 96.76% of which are obviously Australian. Statistics also show that the vast majority of people are revisiting the site on a regular basis, with new visits currently at 33%.

Unfortunately advertising on the site has not contributed enough income to purchase a proper domain name. Simply, very few people are clicking on the adds shown. I would like to see if I can drum up interest for a specific company/shop that would like to sponsor the site. For a small contribution I would have a permanent banner/advertisement, and link to website, place on the main page. I'm not chasing big money here, just enough to purchase a proper domain name.

I would also like to encourage people to make comments to the various posts. This helps provide us posters with feedback to the material we are presenting, and may generate some interesting discussion. Posting can be made anonymously. However, there is a basic verification process in place to prevent spam.

Hope you are enjoying the site?