Some fish!

Well strange weekend for fly. Not unexpected but still a few more fish than I thought. We fished the salt on Friday and Saturday around Magnetic and West point areas. I managed a couple of nice cod on Saturday but nothing but a few bite offs on Friday. We got home and hand a phone call from the North. Apparently the Barra and Tarpon were working in the fresh! So off we go, well worth while with 2 nice Barra to 53cm and a handy Sooty Grunter to 35cm. Back home on Saturday thinking I will get up at 0430hrs on Sunday to fish with Malcolm! Not likely as it turned (am I getting old?) I tried but woke about 0215hrs and as I was not feeling well, text Malcolm and had a sleep in. Still managed to go to the fly fishing club outing (not me) and the report was a number of yellow tail sea pike, 2 cod and a couple of reef fish. Not our best but not to bad based on the tide. After the sausage sizzle home and to finish the long weekend a short fish for tarpon in my favourite spot and 6 small fish to hand, not to bad a weekend after all, oh yeah Happy Birthday Malcolm!